During the operational pause in the exhibition industry schedule due to the COVID-19 pandemic, stevensE3's first priority is to the health of our staff, and that of our clients.

To that end, our firm is closed to outside visitors and those within our firm that can work from home, are doing so. We are also on a vastly reduced number of staff. However, as we adapt, stevensE3's primary focus is to continuing to support our clients as they work to navigate a world of uncertainty and change.

We continue to work with our clients on the development of exhibits, exhibit programs, technical solutions and advisory services for the incorporation of physical distancing measures within your exhibit program. We welcome the opportunity to collaborate with you as we plan and develop concepts for our mutual new reality.

Further to this, we continue to work with health professionals to develop solutions for temporary shelters, assessment stations, and other physical distancing measures. We want to continue doing our part to contribute to the well-being of our society.

Our production and creative capabilities have also shifted as organizations begin the preliminary stages of reopening their firms and planning for physical distancing. To that end, we have been working with clients on how to plan their office environments to accommodate physical distance planning. We have also been designing smaller, modular office spaces, taking large open spaces and creating modular solutions to help companies maintain a safe, functional work environment. Ask us for details if you have a need to reconfigure your office environment.

We are also working hard to create physical distancing graphics that help to create awareness of the surroundings and help promote proper distancing. Watch for more details as we prepare to launch our online store on graphic solutions and kits to help companies return to work safely.

From all of us here at stevensE3, we wish you and your colleagues the best of health during these unprecedented times, and we look forward to a day in our future where we can once again meet on the trade show floor.